Are you wondering how to teach your Dog to pick his toys? I think it’s really essential that you teach your Dog how to put away his toys. It will help him to get some mental stimulation and shall also help you with a mess free home. Dogs love it busy, so you can always ask your best friend to do the cleaning for you.
Here’s how you should go about teaching your Dog to pick up his toys and keep it in the basket after he is done playing with them.
Teaching your Dog to pick his toys
Command – “Take it”
First you have to tell your Dog to take the Toy. You can hold the toy you want to be kept in your hand and then ask him to hold it.
Command – “Drop that”
Now, command him to drop the toy in the basket. You will have to do it twice or thrice so that your Dog understands the command properly and then reacts to it accordingly. Remember to treat him if he follows you. This will make him understand that he did the right thing. Ones he does it correctly then repeats it ten to twelve times.
Command – “Put the toy in the Basket”
After your Dog knows how to take a toy and drop it, you can place the basket near him and as him to drop the toy in it. You can lure him into doing it for the first time with a treat, and then ask him to do it again and again. Remember to treat your Dog, every time he does follow the right command. This will help your Dog know what is right and what is wrong.
So, that is how you can go about teaching your Dog to put toys in the basket. You can try this exercise and keep your Dog stimulated and your home clutter free.