Dogs’ paws needs proper care. Here are some essential tips to dog paw care which will help you while you clean your dogs’ paws. But before we jump into the tips, it would be excellent to know some of the basic things about dog paws. You must remember that dog paws are made up of metacarpal and digital pads. These pads are composed of fats and are under a thick rough layer of skin. These pads protect them from getting hurt and other injuries.
They also keep the bones and joints safe, as it provides a cushioning. Moreover, it’s the paws that help the dogs adjust to the temperature extremes. Now, that you know so much about dog paws, it would be perfect to know how to take care of your dog paws.
What are the Basics of Dog Paw Care?
Trimming the Nails
One of the first steps while taking care of your dog paws is making sure that their nails are properly trimmed. You know you have to trim those nails when you hear loud sound of clicking nails when they are walking. Whether it’s you or the Veterinarian or the groomer who is trimming those nails, you must make sure that your dog’s nails are just barely touching the ground when they walk.
Trimming the Paw Hair
Though you can matte these paw hairs, but it is really painful. What you can do is neatly comb out the paw hair between the pads and then evenly cut it out.
Pad cleaning
Tweezers shall be of great help when you are trying to clean those digital pads. There are many things such as dirt, glasses, pebbles and etcetera which get stuck in between the pads, and so you must make it a habit to check your dog’s paws regularly and clean them when required.
Massaging the pads
Taking care of dog paws is not just limited to cleaning and trimming. Another important dog paw care tip is massaging the pads as it improves the blood circulation and can help your dog relax.
So, these were some of the most useful and important dog paw care tips. You can also make sure that you give your dog some outdoor exercise so that their paws get used to the rough surfaces.
Hope you take not of these tips and have a happy and healthy time with your dog.